Saturday, February 2, 2008

Having the best credit

Here's the Cliff Note's version:1. Continue paying on time, of course2. If you carry balances, reduce them -- not necessarily to zero, but to less than, say, 10% of your available credit limits.3. Do NOT close any credit card accounts. Keep what you have.4. If it takes you some time to achieve #2, then try to avoid being close to maxed out on any one card -- ie, transfer balances so that they are all about evenly utilized as you pay them down.Avoid doing anything to get credit inquiries until you educate yourself more (don't idly apply for more credit cards or loans if not absolutely necessary).

1 comment:

SyedMuddassar said...

A credit card's grace period is the time the customer has to pay the balance before interest is charged to the balance.
PVC cards